Gas/Air Ratio Control

Gas/Air Ratio Control

Product specifications :

Setaak Air/gas ratio controls are designed in two types SET282 in size DN25 and SET285 in sizes DN40, 50. Air/gas ratio controls with inlet pressure up to 500 mbar are produced in accordance with the national standard of Iran INSO6027-1 in accordance with EN 88-1.
Gas air ratio controls can be used as follows:
1- Zero regulator, keeps the downstream pressure uniform from low to high capacities.
2- Air/gas ratio controls, keeps the air/gas ratio constant even when changing the air pressure.
Based on the pressure ratio, product selection and installation layout should be as follows:
Gas/Air pressure in a ratio of 1:1
Gas/Air pressure from 1:2 ratio to 1:10 ratio (Requires a proportional valve in the air sensor line)
Gas/Air pressure from 2:1 ratio to 10:1 ratio (Requires a proportional valve in the gas sensor line)

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Title File Version Download Data
Gas Controls Catalog gas-controls-en-v14031108.pdf 2025
Gas Air Ratio Control Catalog gas-air-control.pdf 2023
Gas/Air Ratio Control | SET282 SET282 SET285 DN25،DN40،DN50.pdf 2022
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